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Felix Teche |
By Felix Teche Nyamusa, SDF 2018 Presidential hopeful {Pending Primaries}
In the December 31st 2014 end of year and New Year speech, President Paul Biya as often got into self deceit by claiming Cameroon has democratic institutions!
According to Biya, having built democratic institutions, Cameroon should now move into other development aspects viz tackling second generation projects, industrialization …. His likes and himself ( Biya ) should come out of selves treachery and realize that Cameroon will explode anytime from now because of lack of democracy, good governance : ELECAM by all stretch of imagination is not a democratic institution - it is created by Biya “ the natural presidential candidate” for CPDM, yet throughout his over three decades at Etoudi(Cameroon’s presidency) , Biya never won any genuine elections ! . ELECAM’s top personnel are CPDM militants (who brandish after-appointment into ELECAM resignation letters from CPDM - they directly and/or indirectly rig elections for CPDM. What passes today as Cameroon constitution is not a democratic document it is pro ruling party.
Whether it is the so-called vision 2035 for Cameroon emergence; three year emergency development plan; methods of fighting terrorists; so long as the executive ( Biya ) acts solo without the necessary checks and balances of the legislature and the judiciary, it is erratic and will as it has been for the past over 32years take Cameroon to no way, to say the least. Under president Paul Biya’s reign since 1982 till date, the country is mismanaged down to ground level - Cameroon is heavily indebted, poor and corrupt solaced by HIPC funds. In his 31st December 2014 speech, president Biya made a right statement that democracy institutions of a people come before other governance and development chores could be carried out effectively but in practice he is dead wrong because Cameroon has no democracy and the Mvomeka man has set the country on a wrong cause - jumping into proposals which he or any sane person knows that they are not realizable because of the
opaque and insincere nature of his one-man governance. The colonial document (Cameroon’s constitution) that had long been begging for Cameroon social positive change gives Mr. President ( Biya ) permission to usurp the functions of the other two arms of government. However, pro Biya perpetuity as president changes have been regularly effected - today for example a hitherto five year term presidency renewable once was upgraded to seven years renewable once and later again term limit completely removed - where is democracy when civil servants starting from Biya( the President ) do not declare their assets before and after they leave work as warranted even by the very lopsided constitution ? Where are the democratic institutions when ELECAM that passes for multiparty-Cameroon’s elections management body is put in place by cohorts of one party (the ruling CPDM ) ? Where are the democratic institutions when the constitution (the supposedly highest and
strongest laws of a country) gives right to the president (Mr. Biya) solo to choose members of the legislature? Does Cameroon have democratic institutions when the president (Biya ) is at the same time the chairperson of the higher judicial council which structure promotes, transfers, sanctions … magistrates - judgment on litigations involving CPDM are passed only after Biya’s concern. Where are the democratic institutions in Cameroon when the president knowingly but illegally severs the legal bonds that hold the country as one? - Biya brands SCNC members terrorists who (SCNC) from take-off point barely complained against the marginalization of the Anglophone component of bilingual Cameroon (Bilingual Cameroon is of persons of predominant English and French official languages)?
Cameroon is anything but democratic!