There is no doubt the highest position in the
SDF is that of the chairman. From time immemorial, the position has been referred
to as the Chairman and according to Feminism activist and Journalist Promise
Akanteh physiologically intimidates women from taking interest in the office
and by so doing justifying gender bias claims against the party.
These claims
were further magnified by the resignation of former party strategist Edith Kah
Walla and immediate past Secretary General Prof Elizabeth Tamajong. This time
statistically, far less than 30percent of the National Executive Committee NEC
newly elected are women.
Though the party argues that many women do not show
interest for positions, feminist and gender rights activists say there is no
enabling environment for women to find interest in such a typically masculine party.
Militancy ignorance, over 1000 Delegate
absent from the convention as well as the venue scandal are a few of many
issues that completes the tale of power and conspiracy at the close of the 2018
SDF Convention of Cameroon’s most populous opposition political party but how
they manage the issues in the days ahead will certainly make or mare the few of
the party that hopes to be in the presidential palace.