Councilors of the Bamenda II Sub divisional
Council have expressed uncommon discontent with what they describe as the
pretentious talk about effective decentralization at least not in their council
The municipal law makers got vexed when their
Mayor Ballick Awah Fedelis told the Councilors in session March 29 that he did
not know the person doing work on the road leading to the council chambers. The
councilors frowned wondering at what effective decentralization the country can
be talking about when contractors can be haired from Younde to come and do work
for the council without the knowledge and even consent of the Mayor. Though the
session was dedicated to the administrative accounts of Mayor Ballick Awa, the
councilors found it relevant to use the session to urge government to
effectively collaborate with the Mayors and council if the decentralization
conversation should be listened to.
Presenting his accounts for 2017 that witness
a drop of about FCFA 50M from that of 2016, Mayor Ballick Awa described the
year under review as more difficult than the previous one.
With challenges in local revenue collection,
the municipal head told the session that the works being done in the area comes
from investment projects from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development and
the Council Support Fund for Mutual Assistance FEICOM which have been used to
execute some projects amongst them the construction of the Nitop Market,
construction of roads, bore hole, supply of medical apparatus, purchase of
equipment to schools amongst others.
The Council also continued the Small Money
Big Change program the Mayor said which enabled them assist with the sum of
FCFA 500.000 five council constituencies for some specific projects under the
care of the councilor of the area.
The DO of Bamenda II Subdivision Ako
Rogssinol who sat through the session encouraged the councilors not only to be
collaborate with the government in achieving peace in the area but also to work
hard in assisting the council in revenue generation.