SDF: Fru Ndi names youngest ever party D-SG

By Bakah Derick 

The Chairman of Cameroon's opposition party the Social Democratic Front has appointed Dr Ndah Grimbald arguably the youngest Deputy Secretary General of the party since inception in 1990. 
Dr Ndah Grimbald 

The young university lecturer in his mid 30s was appointed on June 7, 2022 by Ni John Fru Ndi as third Deputy Secretary General in a surprise move by a man who is mostly seen with people of his age bracket or slightly below around him. 

"Indeed I am happy and very grateful to the National Chairman of the SDF, H.E. Ni John Fru Ndi for this golden political opportunity. It is a good political office and opportunity for me to put my skills and competences into practice." Dr Ndah Grimbald told cia a messaging application. 
"I see this new office of mine at the national level of the SDF as a rare opportunity to contribute significantly to the social democratic vision. This appointment is a means for me to use m'y experience so far in politics to forge for a better and more reliable opposition in Cameroon by promoting the political ideology of social democracy." He added 

While diligently pursuing his education, Dr Ndah has had an unmatched love for leadership from youth, to community, school and now political groupings. The economic and financial experts considers all his previous positions as preparation for the currently job and much more. 
Dr Ndah Grimbald on day of the Conferment of his Doctorate Decree at ICT University Yaounde 

"I am well prepared for this office and in a ready combat mode for social democratic change in Cameroon. I have held the office of assistant secretary of the town green ward before in the Bamenda III electoral district, secretary of political education and training in the Yaounde 4 electoral district and also Regional Secretary of the Centre Region since 2019 when I was co-opted until m'y recent appointment as 3rd Deputy Secretary General of the SDF party. I was one of the major strategists in the last municipal & legislative elections of 2020 on behalf of the SDF in the Centre Region. With this background, I am confident that I'll effectively handle this new position and contribute in making the SDF regain it's political prowess alongside the other Comrades that have equally been given a chance to lead at the helm of the party." The new Deputy Secretary General noted. 
Apointed to deputise Barrister Njomgang Adeline who replaced Senator Senator Tsomelou Jean following the new appointments, Dr Ndah Grimbald will work together with Mary Kimbi First Deputy, Stephane Ngeumaleu Second Deputy and Barrister Mdoumbe Jeanette forth Deputy.

The native Nkwen, former student of St Paul's Comprehensive College and University of Buea has affirmed to that he is as ambitious as any politician outlining what he what he wants to do for Cameroon and the SDF. 
"Just like any other truely committed politician/statesman to the course of good governance and the common good, I am  equally a young ambitious politician for that matter. My political ambitions consists of forging for a very strong and capable SDF ensuring it gains the full trust of Cameroonians as the premier opposition political party in Cameroon like it once did in the 1990's; using the SDF as a political platform for good governance and the fight against corruption and impunity; continue to fight for a more effective and trust worthy electoral code in Cameroon; the resolution of the Anglophone crisis and the multiple social and political crises plaguing the nation through relentlessly  dialogue and tactful diolomacy; fight against alarming injustice through whistle blowing and organised press conferences as well as aim for a higher office in the future." He concluded 

With a youth wing that is almost non-existent or inactive, the likes of Dr Ndah Grimbald could be a.good resource for the 32years old party that political progress has been in a reverse direction. 

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