By Bakah Derick
The Fon of Nkwen has commissioned new quarterheads to take care of the traditional administrative needs of his community in Yaoundé. HRH Fon Azehfor III accompanied by over half-dozen notables performed the commissioning ritual on Saturday 6 August 2022 at the Nkwen Cultural and Development Association (NCDA) hall at the Damas neighbourhood in the nation's capital.
The installation of new quarterheads in Yaoundé according to the Fon of Nkwen was inspired by the return to the village of the previous leader Kong Joseph as a result of retirement leaving the seat vacant.
After giving the Yaoundé community the opportunity to select their leaders, HRH Fon Azehfor III said he respected the choices of the people. This had to be confirmed by the people following a public presentation for approval by a senior notable. According to a Royal Act signed on July 28 2022, Tanwie Clement Ngu was named the quarterhead, While Ngwa Nixon and Tamasang Gideon shall serve as first and second assistants respectively. After the pronouncements, the new leaders were handed their certificates of office with the community applauding in approval.
Drinking from the royal cup, the Fon charged the new quarterheads to ensure the growth of the Yaoundé 'quarter' and work in collaboration with NCDA executive while prioritising the promotion and protection of the Nkwen culture at various levels and institutions.
Speaking earlier, the General President of NCDA Asafor John corroborated by the Yaoundé chapter president Ngu Julius appreciated the out gone quarterhead Kong Joseph for laying a firm foundation for the Nkwen community in Yaoundé.
The NCDA Yaoundé immediate past president Acho Denis and others were singled out for sacrificing much for the growth of the branch.
Fon Azehfor III performing the commissioning ritual for the second assistant quarterhead Tamasang Gideon
Several dance groups literally turned the maiden visit of HRH Fon Azehfor III to Yaoundé to a cultural festival with performances that ignited a true Nkwen feeling.
Amongst the many activities was the presentation of the much heralded book 'Nkwenbere' which documents and exposes the norms, cultures, customs and tradition of the Nkwen People.
According to the administrative structure of the Nkwen Fondom, the quarterheads represent the Fon in specifically carved out areas to ease administration. The Fon following the instructions of the Kwifor can also create 'quarters' out of the Fondom especially where there are many Nkwen sons and daughters.
A few pictures from the event
The prepared stage to received the Fon
Community receiving and leading the Fon to the hall
Fon Azehfor III joins in dancing the reception traditional dance
Start of event

Performance by Unity sisters

NCDA branch president Ngu Julius speaking

Maakaa performing

NCDA general president John Asafor speaking

Another Performance

Immediate past quarterhead speaking

Cross section of population

Announcement of the new quarterhead with population applauding
Don't Go Yet
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