Sevidzem Ernestine Leikeki: A Change Champion

Sevidzem Ernestine Leikeki is a name that resonates with passion, dedication, and  commitment to conservation and gender equality within the Bamenda III Municipality in Cameroon. As one of the most influential personalities in the rmunicpality, Leikeki has made significant strides in empowering women and promoting environmental sustainability.
Sevidzem Ernestine Leikeki

Leikeki currently serves as a women empowerment officer at the not-for-profit non-governmental organization Cameroon Gender and Environment Watch (CAMGEW). In this role, she tirelessly advocates for gender equality, women's rights, and environmental conservation. Her work as an Eco Business promoter has inspired many women in may communities to pursue sustainable business practices and contribute to the preservation of the environment.

A true community leader, Leikeki spearheads initiatives such as forest replanting programs and beekeeping to empower women and engage them in environmental conservation efforts. Her efforts have not gone unnoticed, as she was recognized as a climate activist and awarded as one of the BBC 100 Women in 2021 for her lasting impact on society.

Leikeki's dedication to empowering women extends beyond environmental initiatives. She actively promotes women's inclusion and leadership in natural resource management, advocates for women's right to education and employment, and encourages entrepreneurship among local women. She firmly believes that women and girls play a crucial role in driving sustainable development in every community.

In 2023, Leikeki, alongside CAMGEW, implemented several impactful projects in the Bamenda III Municipality, including innovative initiatives like urban gardening using recycled plastics to grow vegetables. 

She also organized eco-business fairs to bring together various stakeholders to promote conservation efforts and sustainable practices.
Despite her busy schedule attending international environmental events such as COP28 in Dubai and Climate Change Summits, Leikeki remains dedicated to her family. As a wife and mother, she exemplifies how one can balance personal commitments with professional responsibilities while making a meaningful impact on society.

Sevidzem Ernestine Leikeki's story is one of resilience, leadership, and advocacy for a better future for all. Through her tireless efforts in promoting gender equality and environmental sustainability, she continues to inspire change and create a lasting impact within the Bamenda III Municipality and beyond.
Congratulations Madam

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