CAGEAD Honours School Clubs for Their Efforts in Menstrual Hygiene Education

The Stakeholders Advocacy meeting on Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) Policies in Schools, held in Bamenda on Thursday 23 May 2024 has celebrated not only the importance of menstrual hygiene management but also the extraordinary efforts of school clubs dedicated to promoting menstrual hygiene education. The event, organized by the Center for Advocacy in Gender Equality and Action for Development (CAGEAD), saw the awarding of school clubs for their commitment and active participation in the project aimed at improving girls’ educational attainment through proper menstrual hygiene management.
 “These school clubs have shown exceptional dedication in promoting menstrual hygiene education among their peers. Their work is pivotal in ensuring that girls can manage menstruation with dignity and continue their education without interruptions,” the CEO of CAGEAD, Waah Clotilda Andiensa stated in a message on the significance of recognizing and rewarding efforts that contribute to positive change.

The award ceremony was a major highlight of the event, recognizing school clubs that have been instrumental in promoting menstrual hygiene education. These clubs were awarded for their innovative activities, peer education programs, and overall impact on improving menstrual hygiene management in their schools.
“We decided to award these clubs because of their tireless efforts in breaking the silence and stigma surrounding menstruation. They have been active and supportive, driving the project forward and making a tangible difference in their communities,” Waah Clotilda Andiensa explained 

The event also featured poems by multiple award-winning poet and spoken word artist Tanni Awa, popularly known as Mottanni, alongside students. Their performances highlighted the emotional and social aspects of menstruation, resonating deeply with the audience.
One student, a member of an awarded MHM club, expressed her excitement and pride. “Being part of the MHM club has been an empowering experience. We’ve learned so much and have been able to share that knowledge with our peers. Winning this award motivates us to keep going and make even more of a difference,” she said.

Another student added, “This recognition shows that our efforts are valued. We feel more confident and inspired to continue our work in promoting menstrual hygiene and supporting our fellow students.”

"From the peer educators' performances, we can see how much we have done in the field. From their MHM quiz, songs, poems, and testimonies from the project, I can say we attained our objectives of improving their knowledge, attitudes and practice on MHM. The prizes awarded to the teachers and studenst them comes as a motivation for the work they have done, and to encourage them to continue as champions and advocates for MHM." Tangiri Maxcel, CAGEAD MHM project coordinator noted 
The awarding of school clubs during the Stakeholders Advocacy meeting not only highlighted the progress made in improving menstrual hygiene management but also reinforced the importance of continued efforts and collaboration. By recognizing and rewarding the dedication of these young advocates, CAGEAD hopes to inspire further action and ensure that every girl can manage menstruation with dignity and continue her education without barriers.

According to UNESCO (2014), menstruation accounts for a 20% loss of school time among adolescent girls in sub-Saharan Africa. In Cameroon, inadequate knowledge of menstrual hygiene practices, poor maintenance of school sanitation facilities, and the absence of waste management systems have been identified as significant challenges to proper MHM (WSSCC & UNWOMEN, 2015). 

CAGEAD’s project has made notable strides in addressing these challenges. The project has trained 160 teachers, 75 students as peer educators, and reached 750 students directly through MHM clubs. Furthermore, over 10,000 students have been sensitized through school programs, with community sensitization sessions reaching an additional 520 individuals. Key achievements also include the training of 60 boys and girls on the production of reusable pads, distribution of 7,590 dignity kits, the rehabilitation/constructed of 15 toilets, with cleaning maintenance equipment alongside incinerators for menstrual waste disposals, 15 giant wheels and other IECs materials. 

Implementing MHM policies in schools according to CAGEAD’s CEO can significantly promote gender equality by ensuring that girls have equal access to education. It can also improve girls’ health outcomes by reducing the risk of infections and empower them with the knowledge and resources needed to manage menstruation confidently.

Effective MHM policies include accessible and private toilet facilities, comprehensive menstrual health education, the availability of affordable menstrual products, and a supportive environment where teachers, peers, and families provide emotional support to girls.
The call to action emphasized the need for comprehensive and inclusive policies that address menstrual hygiene needs. This includes ensuring access to menstrual hygiene products, providing education on menstrual health, creating safe and hygienic facilities, promoting awareness and de-stigmatization, and involving all stakeholders in the process.

Founded in 2007 and legalized in 2011, CAGEAD is committed to working with women and youths to fight poverty, prevent disease, and promote equality and sustainable peace. The organization focuses on improving the lives of vulnerable women and girls by empowering them with relevant skills and access to life-changing opportunities through advocacy and inclusive activities that promote skill-building and leadership development.

By Asheri Loveline
Tel: 694718577

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