PIC North-West aligns with AU Agenda 2063, Launches Campaign to Amplify Citizen Voices in Governance

The Office of the Public Independent for the North-West Region has announced an initiate aimed at enhancing citizen participation in local governance and development. Led by the Public Independent Conciliator (PIC) for the North-West Region, Tamfu Simon Fai, the campaign launch will take place on Thursday, July 4, 2024 in Bamenda. 

According to information gathered around the event, the campaign launch will gather key media stakeholders to discuss strategies for enhancing citizen engagement with the aim to facilitate dialogue and share best practices for community participation.
Tamfu Simon Fai, PIC North-West 

The campaign is in line with the African Union Agenda 2063 which states  "The African Union recognizes that the involvement of citizens in the decision-making processes is crucial for achieving sustainable development, peace, and security on the continent. Ensuring that the voices of all citizens, including women and youth, are heard and considered in governance is a cornerstone of our mission." 

In one of his outings, Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the African Union Commission noted  "The participation of African citizens in governance and decision-making processes is fundamental to our collective efforts to build a more inclusive, democratic, and prosperous Africa. We must ensure that all voices are heard, especially those of the marginalized and vulnerable groups." 

What other global institutions ans their leaders say about citizens participation and engagement in local governance and development 

United Nations (UN)
"We cannot achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and build a world of dignity for all if we do not meet the needs and realize the rights of the poor and marginalized. Citizen engagement is critical to this effort."  Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

World Bank

"Citizen engagement is critical to our work because it helps to enhance the effectiveness of development projects and policies, ensuring they are more responsive to the needs and priorities of those they aim to benefit." Jim Yong Kim, former President of the World Bank
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

 "Citizen participation in public decision-making can contribute to better policies, higher quality public services and enhanced trust in government." OECD Open Government Initiative

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

"Engaging citizens in the formulation and implementation of policies is crucial for achieving inclusive growth and improving governance." Christine Lagarde, former Managing Director of the IMF

European Union (EU)

"The involvement of citizens in democratic life is a cornerstone of the European Union. Citizen participation enhances democratic accountability and strengthens the legitimacy of public decisions." European Commission

Transparency International

"Transparency and accountability in governance are only possible with active citizen participation. When citizens are engaged, they can hold their governments accountable and fight corruption more effectively." 

CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation

"Strengthening citizen action and civil society is essential for ensuring that the voices of all people, especially the marginalized, are heard in decision-making processes."

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