Prince Pius Ngwa Amandou; the pioneer bricklayer of Bamenda III Municipality's foundation

As Hilltopvoices Communications Group Ltd celebrates Founders Week as part of the Bamenda III Municipality Month 2024, the memory of Prince Pius Ngwa Amandou, the municipality's pioneer mayor, takes center stage. 
Sworn in as pioneer mayor on September 5, 2007, as the leader of the Social Democratic Front (SDF) backed council, Mayor Amandou's tenure marked the beginning of a transformative journey for the municipality. Though his life was tragically cut short on April 14, 2010, while still in office, his dynamic leadership continues to inspire the municipality today.

Prince Pius Ngwa Amandou's leadership in Bamenda III began with the crafting of the Bamenda III Council Development Plan, a comprehensive and widely popularized document that laid the groundwork for the development of the municipality. This plan according to Mayor Amandou was not merely a formality; it was a blueprint for progress, designed to guide Bamenda III on its path to sustainable growth. The development plan showcased Mayor Amandou's visionary approach, focusing on long-term strategies that would benefit future generations.

One of Mayor Amandou's most innovative initiatives was the City Builder's Card program, which encouraged residents to contribute to the development of their community by donating the equivalent of four bottles of beer annually. This unique initiative, launched at the Nkwen Palace esplanade in 2009, was the first of its kind in Cameroon. It sparked widespread enthusiasm, bringing a sense of ownership and responsibility among the people toward their municipality's progress. The City Builder's Card has become a symbol of community unity, demonstrating how small contributions could collectively create lasting change.
Mayor Amandou also spearheaded the Clean Municipality initiative, an ambitious effort to promote cleanliness and environmental responsibility across Bamenda III. Through a robust media campaign, the initiative captured the attention of local taxi drivers, roadside shop owners, and residents alike. Soon, spontaneous clean-up efforts became a common sight, with everyone playing their part in keeping their surroundings clean. This initiative greatly improved the municipality's appearance and enhanced its residents' civic pride.

Under Mayor Amandou's leadership, Bamenda III also saw substantial infrastructure development. Roads were constructed, schools were built, vulnerable members of the community received much-needed assistance and above all a strong sense of citizens participation in development was established. His dynamic approach to leadership and his dedication to development laid the groundwork for the current administration, setting a high standard for those who followed in his footsteps.

The team of councilors who worked alongside Mayor Amandou in those early years of Bamenda III’s growth were key players in the municipality's successes and can be rightfully described as Founders . These councilors were:

1. Prince Pius Ngwa Amandou (RIP) 
2. Ndifor Tankeh Clement  (RIP)
3. Lem Sussanah  
4. Afor Rose Sikod  
5. Tabifor George Ambe  (RIP)
6. Abenego Fon Achua  (RIP)
7. Konfor Isaac Ngahyinkfu  
8. Asobo Samuel Mbuyah  
9. Azeh John Muma  
10. Tabali Bernard Biengniew  
11. Lucas Ngu Afong  
12. Azefor Martin Asah  
13. Ndagha Genevieve Abo  
14. Ndiangang Ngenwie Rita  
15. Fongu Cletus Tanwe  
16. Ngum Helen Takoh  
17. Kaba Charles Ngwason  
18. Mukum Ngoh Lucas  
19. Nenko Chentu Stephen  
20. Mufula Abeh Tanwie  
21. Lum Dominica Fon  
22. Bati Rose Lialam  (RIP)
23. Ngwa Esther Ngeche  
24. George Funwie Nuforza  
25. Koti Emmanuel  (RIP)
26. Ngenwie Wankwe Pauline Asa  
27. Cletus Nchamukong Chekwi  
28. Fondzenyuy John Lukong  (RIP)
29. Gesih Achu Grace  
30. Tanwie Peter Amungwi  
31. Chi Constantine Ndifor

These individuals worked tirelessly alongside Mayor Amandou to bring the vision of Bamenda III to life. Together, they implemented policies and projects that would ensure the sustainable growth of the municipality for years to come.

Today, Mayor Fongu Cletus Tanwe, Amandou's successor, continues to build on the foundation laid by Prince Pius Ngwa Amandou. Mayor Fongu has encouraged councilors to embrace the challenges of decentralization, ensuring that development remains on course in Bamenda III. His efforts to continue the work started by Mayor Amandou while creating his one initiatives serve as an indication to the legacy of the municipality's first mayor.

As we remember Prince Pius Ngwa Amandou during this Founders Week, we are reminded of his remarkable achievements and his tireless commitment to the progress of Bamenda III. Though his life was tragically cut short, his spirit lives on, inspiring a brighter future for the community he so passionately served. His legacy of dynamism, hard work, and visionary leadership will forever be etched in the history of Bamenda III, serving as a guide for future generations.

Mayor Amandou may have departed this world on April 14, 2010, but his contributions to Bamenda III remain ever-present, shaping the municipality's journey towards continued progress and development.

By Bakah Derick 
Tel: 6 94 71 85 77 

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