Save The Crown: Restoring respect for Fons, tradition in the North West Region

The Save The Crown campaign is a movement dedicated to restoring and preserving the integrity, dignity, and respect for traditional rulers, known as Fons, in the North West Region of Cameroon. This initiative emerged as a response to several factors that have threatened the sanctity of the Fon's office, a historically important institution that serves as the protector of tradition, culture, and unity within villages or Fondoms.
This campaign points to the fact that there is a critical distinction between the Fon’s office and the individual occupying the position. While individuals may change, the institution itself must be upheld with respect by all, regardless of the personal views or beliefs of the Fon. Drawing inspiration from the book 'Fons of Traditional Bamenda and Partisan Politics in Contemporary Cameroon,' by a Roman Catholic Priest, Rev Fr Tatah Mbuy, the campaign identifies several key areas where traditional leadership has been compromised and seeks to address them comprehensively.

Key issues addressed by the campaign:

Disrespect for traditional norms

The installation of individuals to the office of Fon, at times without regard for traditional customs or the wishes of preceding Fons, has destabilized many communities. This disregard for cultural heritage compromises the legitimacy of the institution, creating social unrest and division. 

Religious incompatibility

One of the central concerns raised by the Save The Crown campaign is the belief that those who adopt religious practices different from the traditional religion of the people should not remain as Fon. If a Fon converts to another religion, it is expected that he vacates the office, rather than attempting to reshape or erode the traditional spiritual practices of his people. This issue has become a major source of discord, as some Fons, after converting to other religions, have sought to impose their new beliefs on the community, undermining the cultural and religious foundations of the institution.

Engagement in partisan politics: 

Historically, the Fon’s office has remained neutral, transcending politics to serve as a unifying force within the village. However, the involvement of some Fons in partisan politics has eroded their impartiality and compromised their role as mediators and peacekeepers. Fr. Tatah Mbuy argues that Fons who engage in political rivalry risk undermining their authority, leading to divisions within their communities. The campaign advocates for the restoration of the Fon’s traditional role as a neutral leader who stands above political contests.

Misuse of community property

Upon assuming office, a Fon inherits community resources that are meant to benefit the entire population. Some Fons, however, have been accused of exploiting these resources for personal gain, which further diminishes their authority and creates a rift between the leadership and the people. The campaign calls for greater accountability and the responsible management of community assets.

Respect for the Fon’s office

The Save The Crown campaign stresses the need for the Fon's office to be treated with the respect and reverence it demands. Incidents such as inappropriate handshakes between Fons and commoners, or taking Fons to court over personal disputes, devalue the cultural significance of the institution. The Fon, as a cultural and spiritual leader, should be revered in accordance with traditional practices, which emphasize the sacred nature of the institution.
Campaign objectives

The Save The Crown campaign advocates for several key reforms aimed at restoring the sanctity of traditional leadership:

The campaign calls for the reinforcement of traditional practices in the selection of Fons, ensuring that cultural norms and the will of previous leaders are honoured in the succession process.

The campaign advocates that individuals who adopt religious beliefs that are incompatible with the community’s traditional practices should not hold or continue to hold the office of Fon. Those who convert to other religions should voluntarily relinquish their positions, thereby preserving the sanctity of the traditional spiritual role of the Fon.

Fons must remain neutral in political affairs to safeguard their role as unbiased custodians of peace. The campaign promotes the separation of the Fon’s office from partisan politics, which has been a source of division and conflict in many communities.

The campaign promotes responsible management of community property, urging Fons to act as stewards of the resources entrusted to them for the benefit of their people, rather than for personal enrichment.

The campaign seeks to re-establish the cultural reverence for the Fon’s office by discouraging actions that degrade the institution, such as inappropriate interactions with commoners or legal disputes that undermine the authority of the Fon.

By addressing these core issues, the Save The Crown campaign aims to restore the dignity and authority of traditional leadership, ensuring that the office of the Fon remains a respected symbol of unity, cultural identity, and spiritual guidance in the North West Region. The campaign recognizes that traditional leadership is not only a heritage to be cherished but also a fundamental pillar in maintaining social cohesion. As such, protecting the institution of the Fon is essential for the continued preservation of the Bamenda's cultural and spiritual heritage.

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