Survey reveals surge in sexual violence, unsafe abortions in Cameroon's conflict affected regions

A sample survey carried out by YouthForce,a Bamenda based non governmental organization has shown an alarming prevalence of sexual violence and unsafe abortion  among adolescent girls and young women in conflict affected regions of Cameroon.
YouthForce officials at presser 

The survey carried out in the North West, West and South regions of Cameroon targeted young women and victims of sexual violence.

 North West region included in the research is stricken by an ongoing armed conflict.

The west and south regions according to the survey was included as host communities to internally displaced persons fleeing the crisis in North West and South West regions.

According to the findings drawn from the survey the prevalence of sexual violence stands at 53.1% and unsafe abortions with 8.0%. 

Noting that these figures indicate a significant association between displacement and sexual violence,the survey established that ,"Girls who experience sexual violence are significantly more likely to undergo unsafe abortion."

A majority of these young girls who confessed being touched,grabbed or kissed publicly against their will are however ignorant of sexual violence.

Cases of sexual violence according to the survey are reported more in the Northwest region with 89 cases, West region with 77 cases and South region with 60 cases.
Cross section of media professionals at presser

"Girls are victims of the ongoing war in the North West region as both Separatist fighters and government soldiers rape girls at control post," the survey revealed.

23.3% of the victims are migrants while 54.9% are internally displaced persons,the survey revealed.

A high proportion of 60% of young girls was also noted to carry out abortion with 72% experiencing abortion at between the ages of 13-19 years.

42 young girls according to the survey died due to unsafe abortion.

According to Morfaw Theresse, YouthForce founder, " The objective of this research was to determine the prevalence of sexual violence unsafe abortions especially in conflict affected regions among young girls who have been raped  and are seeking family planning services as well as abortion services for their plights,"
Seeking for intervention from authorities, YouthForce founder said they have been engaging with relevant stakeholders to stand up for the victims.

"We have constantly had Communications with policy makers and decision makers.We presented our findings to municipalities, delegates,and other key opinion leaders with recommendations from girlforce movement," she told reporters.

Amongst other things she clarified that their advocacy should not be misconstrued for promoting abortion in general 

"we are not promoting illegal abortion.We are promoting legal abortion for survivors of sexual violence as the law protects them," she said adding, "we know that abortions are done clandestinely amongst this age group.We promote legal abortion to reduce mortality rate due to clandestine abortions or self medication due to complications "

With most victims of sexual violence afraid to speak out the research said 96.6 % participants  indicate that members of the community do not condone with with survivors of sexual violence.

It also noted that victims are discriminated and stigmatized in the community and in the school milieu apportioning blames to caregivers in hospitals.

By Wawa Jackson Nfor Lamu
Tel: 6 94 71 85 77 

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